Desktop Environment¶
Some useful text commands to work on graphical interfaces.
Resizing windows¶
Resize all of the windows from $PROGRAM
to 800x600:
xdotool search --name $PROGRAM windowsize %@ 800 600
Resize the active window to 800x600:
xdotool getactivewindow windowsize 800 600
Get the contents of the X selection on stdout:
xclip -o
Copy clipboard contents (e.g. from ctrl-C in a graphical program) to the primary (which can be basted with a middle mouse click):
xclip -o -selection clipboard | xclip -i
With ImageMagick¶
The default behaviour of import is to take a custom rectangular portion of the screen; just launch:
import $FILENAME
and drag the cursor to select the area you are interested into.
To get a screenshot of the full screen (the root window):
import -window root $FILENAME
To get a screenshot of one specific window:
import -window `xwininfo | awk '/.*Window id:.*/ {print $4}'` $FILENAME
and then click on the window you are interested in; to also include the window borders the command is:
import -border -window `xwininfo | awk '/.*Window id:.*/ {print $4}'` \
To take a screenshot of a running screensaver, login remotely to the computer e.g. via ssh, with the same user that is running the X session, and then:
DISPLAY=:0 import -window root $FILENAME
Set MIME associations and default apps¶
is used to set some deskoppish properties and
expecially the default web browser:
xdg-settings set default-web-browser xombrero.desktop
other associations can be set using xdg-mime
xdg-mime default apvlv.desktop application/pdf
of course the .desktop
can be any available file for any app, placed
in one of the standard directories, either system-wide or per-user.
Both write to ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list